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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wushu Boys Kumbamkallu...

"Can Kill But Can't Defeat"

1 comment:

  1. It appears that the design for your logo for your blog,has been stolen and modified from my business logo. My Wushu school, Seattle Wushu Center, in the USA, holds claim on my logo since 2007, and any use of the original design or parts of the original design may not be used without my permission . I ASK THAT YOU CEASE AND DESIST from using MY trademarked business logo immediately. I suggest you design your own logo instead of stealing elements from other business logos. My logo was carefully planned and has hand drawn Chinese characters, and refuse to allow other entities to use the logo without my permission. Cease the use of my logo immediately please.

    Restita DeJesus
    Master Instructor
    Seattle Wushu Center
